State Park season is coming up, and Wyoming has a slew of them to fill your vacation itinerary. There’s one state park in the Cowboy State that stands out from the rest. Brimming over with unique thermal features, fun things to do, and fascinating things to see, this park should be priority on your must-see list.
Hot Springs State Park is right next to the City of Thermopolis.
It's a day-park that features a collection of attractions you won't find together at any other park, starting with the naturally hot springs that are its namesake.
The park is open year-round, and the staff supplements the herd with a daily feeding during the fall and winter months. If you happen to visit then, you can watch the feeding from your vehicle to get an amazingly close view of these majestic creatures.
One of the biggest draws the park offers is the free bath house, open to the public every day until 5:30 p.m.
Plus, although Hot Springs State Park doesn't allow overnight camping, there are RV parks nearby that also offer cabin suites for those who don't bring along their own accommodations.