March 20th was officially the first day of spring. However, just when you thought the thaw was well underway, the Wyoming winter rears its ferocious head and dumps another snowstorm to dampen dreams of warm weather and summer wardrobes.
That scenario happens pretty much all over the state, but there’s one place where the residents know better than to go by the calendar. Story is one of the snowiest places in the whole country during spring. Some years, it can get as much snowfall in springtime alone that other areas of the state get throughout the entire winter. When you’ve had your fill of cold and snowy weather, you might want to steer clear of Story until mid to late summer.
Story, Wyoming is a tiny little community in the northern part of the state.
...and it also makes keeping the blade on the four-wheeler a necessity for all households to keep driveways clear when the rest of the state is bringing lawn furniture out of storage.
Wyoming winters can wear on you, and it's common to be tired of so much snow for such a long season. Still, you can't argue that it doesn't make for a picturesque setting in this rural place.