11 Undeniable Things Every True Wyomingite Has Done At Least Once
Living in Wyoming tends to lend itself to certain experiences. We’ve all had at least one of these things occur while we were living in the Cowboy State, and for most of us, each item on the list would be checked off! Read below and see where you fall.

We love the outdoors, but day hikes are not the only way to get out and explore. Pack up a tent and send us off into the woods... we'll figure it out.

While this is definitely not the safest thing to do, when you have a twenty food snow drift, there is only so much you can do.

Wyoming is home to some of the best fly fishing rivers in the world, so of course we take advantage of our gorgeous summers and falls, and get out into the water.

When everything is covered in snow, it's really easy to lose your tracks. Wyomingites know to have plenty of fuel on board and to let others know their plans, because getting lost on a snowmobile is inevitable at least once in your life.

This might be the worst part about living in Wyoming. Wildlife does not seem to obey the "deer crossing" signs we put up for them!

There are so many hot springs in Wyoming, and with our long and cold winters, these warm relaxing bath houses become our own tropical retreats.

We can it the Cowboy State for a reason! Regardless of your background, it is likely that youve ridden a horse more times than you can count, and someone dragged you out on a cattle drive at least once. Despite being sore for days afterwards, these adventures are always a blast.

We've all taken on at least one intense hike in our lives, and oftentimes that comes with a summit or two. Even if it was just Mt. Washburn when we were seven years old, most Wyomingites have bagged at least one peak.

It's kind of hard to avoid this incredible park full of natural wonders if you spend long enough out here. Seeing Yellowstone for the first time is something you'll never forget.

For as stunning as the parks can be, visiting Yellowstone in the summertime is the worst decision you can ever make. For anyone who lives in such a sparsely populated state, these crowds are hell on earth.

Whether you make it yourself or pick it up from a roadside stand or even your neighbor, Wyomingites can really appreciate fresh jerky. We're so lucky we don't have to deal with vacuum sealed packages and mechanically separated meat.
We are so lucky to have the experiences we do out here! What’s was your favorite part about growing up in Wyoming?
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