Wyoming's Singing Sand Dunes Are Unlike Any Place On Earth
By Kim Magaraci|Published April 24, 2018
Kim Magaraci
Kim Magaraci graduated Rutgers University with a degree in Geography and has spent the last seven years as a freelance travel writer. Contact: kmagaraci@onlyinyourstate.com
You never know what you’ll find in Wyoming – and I often wonder what the first Wild West settlers were thinking when they came across the roaring Killpecker Sand Dunes! After all, these dunes are some of the only ones in the world that sing (loudly!) across the entire desert. If you’ve never been out to explore this incredible natural playground, make it a point to get out to the Red Desert this year and hear them for yourself.
Deep in Wyoming's Red Desert lies the Killpecker Sand Dunes - the largest dune field in North America.
The Killpecker Sand Dunes stretch for over 55 miles, lying between the Green River Basin and Great Divide Basin. The 109,000 acres of sand cross the Continental Divide.
You'll find people sandboarding, driving, walking and more in this enormous natural playground. It's easy to spot wildlife, especially in the summer when freshwater ponds appear. In the dunes, you'll see mice, shrews and kangaoroo rats... as well as their predators. Owls, agles, and bobcats often come to the dunes for an easy lunch. When the summer ponds pop up, it's common to see wild horses, sheep, cattle and even shore birds stopping by!
One of the most fascinating things you'll notice when you visit is the constant, low hum that seems to be coming from nowhere, and everywhere, all at once.
There are only 7 dunefields in the world that are made of this rounded "singing" sand, and Killpecker is one of them! Standing here when the wind blows and hearing the low hum come from all across the desert feels truly unreal.
After you've enjoyed your concert in the Killpecker Dunes, visit Boar's Tusk Monument.
This impressive formation on the edge of the dunefield was created by the core of an old volcano, and it's so impressive up close!
Head to the Rock Springs Field Office (280 Highway 191 North Rock Springs, WY 82901) to begin your Killpecker Sand Dunes adventure. Read more about the fun you can have at these incredible Singing Sand Dunes right here and plan your trip before it gets too hot to explore the desert!