We’ve said before that no one enjoys summer quite like Wisconsinites enjoy summer. We know our warm weather is fleeting and we take full advantage of the few short months we get each year. Wisconsinites take summer fun to the extreme, and nowhere is that more evident than in Twin Lakes. For 45 years, the Twin Lakes AquaNut Waterski Team has been putting on shows that display artistry, daring and a whole lot of fun. What started as a small team with $5 dues has grown into a multi-time National Championship squad that’s constantly pushing the boundaries of what can be accomplished on waterskis. This awesome group performs twice a week all summer long and you just have to go check them out.
You've never seen anything like what the AquaNut Water Show puts on twice a week. These athletes perform death-defying stunts while balanced on water and they make it look beautiful, too.
There are numerous stunts this group performs and they are consistently one of the best groups in the country. Their stunts and skiers have won national awards and some even compete on Team USA.
The group is so well-known in the water skiing community that they've been invited to travel internationally to show off their skill and spread love of water ski stunts.
There's something for everyone at an AquaNut Water Show. There's slapstick silliness to entertain the crowd in between acts. You'll see trick jumping, barefoot skiing, water ballet, pyramids and so much more.
You'll be in awe of the women who ski 30 across, in sync and beautifully choreographed. This ballet line is award-winning and tops in the world, regularly earning recognition for their skill.
The AquaNuts are so good, they've won multiple National Championships. Getting a chance to watch them perform is to watch world-class athletes at the top of their game. Each year the team uses a new theme and this is the group that innovated adding musical accompaniment to a water ski show. They take their theme seriously and perform it to its utmost each year.
If you've ever tried water skiing, you know how difficult it can be just to get yourself upright and then stay that way. These folks ride both on a ski and barefoot with ease, showing off tremendous skill and strength. And they make it look effortless.
These shows are a perfect way to spend some family time together as summer winds down. Lance Lake is a gorgeous set up and Twin Lakes is proud AquaNuts calls it home. There are bleachers and a great viewing area from which to enjoy the show.
You really won't believe what these folks are able to do while balancing on the water. It's jaw-dropping and incredible to watch. This great show happens twice a week and you'll find yourself wanting to go again and again.
The AquaNut shows take place at 6 pm at Lance Park in Twin Lakes every Wednesday and Saturday from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Lance Park is located at 55 Lance Dr., Twin Lakes, WI 53181.