The tiny town of Stockholm, Wisconsin might be far, far away from the “old country,” but they still celebrate a full month of Christmas – or Jul – just like families do in Sweden.
They start the weekend after Thanksgiving and celebrate for four weekends. It’s guaranteed to put you in the holiday spirit.
Wisconsin's Stockholm might be small, but there's still plenty to see, do and experience here.
St. Lucia is always a part of the Swedish holiday celebration. Her day is December 13. Her crown is made of Lingonberry, an evergreen to symbolize new life in the middle of winter - her day, on the Julian calendar, was the winter solstice. She brings light on the darkest day.
You'll also find the "Jultomte" and his goat, the "Julbock." Scandinavians believe gnomes bring protection to hearth and home year round and "Jultomten" is the winter version.
The festivities don't end at night and the final weekend brings the Winter Solstice fire celebration. The fire celebration brings light and warmth to the village.
Christmastime in Stockholm is precious and unlike anything you'll find anywhere else. This unique celebration looks made for tv, but is just waiting for you to come and experience it.