The best part of Spring is the rebirth and rejuvenation of all the plants that have been dormant and survived the long, cold, snowy winter. They start to bloom and bring color back to our dreary state. Gardening is a hobby many love, but not everyone can master. We all could use a little help and inspiration and that’s where Sturgeon Bay’s Garden Door garden comes in. This magical garden has been around for nearly 15 years. A UW-Extension facility, it’s located at the University of Wisconsin Peninsular Agricultural Research Station. The garden is designed and maintained by members of the Door County Master Gardeners Association. There is an acre of land with 20 different and distinct gardens. With a full slate of events and activities, you’ll never run out of reasons and excuses to check out this fabulous little oasis among the spring and summer of Door County.
This is a quaint and fabulous hidden gem on Door County. Among all the touristy masses, the Garden Door is a respite and relaxing find. This gorgeous garden highlights a number of gorgeous plants.
With their own specific pollinator garden, don't be surprised to see butterflies flitting among the brightly colored flowers, adding to the magical feel to this place.
These gardens are open from sunup to sundown year round and you can come to just meander through the fabulous vegetation or you can check out their calendar of events and come for a talk or guided walk through the property. The Garden is divided into a number of distinct areas. Among the gardens, you'll find here are the annuals bed, the cactus garden, the dwarf conifer garden, the faerie garden, the gazebo garden, the grass garden, the herb garden, the pollinator garden and more. There's even a pond.
The Master Gardner program is a community outreach program that helps folks across the state by providing information and help and resources. There's nothing like talking to a Master Gardner and using their massive amount of experience to help you learn how to best maintain your own garden.
The Garden Door is a project of the Door County Master Gardners. This fabulous group has more than 100 members that work to "provide horticulture-related services to the community. Master Gardener Volunteers maintain The Garden Door, sponsor free educational programs, provide answers to residents' horticulture questions and provide outreach to youth and not-for-profit organizations throughout the county." They offer a plant sale here as well as a Garden Door Open House.
Whether you're looking for a way to get out and enjoy some nice weather or you just bring a book and make use of the number of hidden and relaxing spots to rest, the Garden Door is the perfect way to spend a day.
Unsurprisingly, this is a popular location for Door County weddings. This magical, beautiful spot evokes all kinds of feelings and makes you feel more than just beautiful.
We are so, so lucky to have so many fabulous spots across the state available for free and public use. The UW-Extension is a fabulous outreach program that makes a huge difference in the community that you'll want to look in to. From classes with master canners to this amazing garden facility, the UW-Extension is changing the way we garden and grow our own food.
Garden Door is a truly ethereal, magical, fairy tale spot and you won't regret taking the time to visit. You and your family will love this gorgeous spot and you'll love getting help with all your gardening needs.
The Garden Door is located at 4312 WI-42, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235. You can find out more information about this amazing garden and the master gardeners who run it on their website or by checking out their Facebook page. You can learn more about the Door County Master Gardners on their website.