14 Undeniable Habits That No Wisconsinite Can Ever Unlearn
There’s no denying that living here in Wisconsin creates a certain kind of person. We are a bit odd and quirky, and we tend to pick up even more habits the longer we live here. From reserving our Friday nights to a long-term rivalry with our neighbors, some things just don’t change. After all, you can take the Wisconsinite out of Wisconsin, but you can’t take the Wisconsin out of the Wisconsinite, right? You know you’re from Wisconsin when you do the 14 things listed below. How many of these fun facts about Wisconsin do you agree with?
1. Reserving your Friday nights for a fish fry.

2. Hoping your cheese squeaks.

3. Preferring Brandy in your Old Fashioneds.

4. Using vacation time to sit out in the cold while looking like a traffic cone.

5. Disliking all things Minnesota and Chicago.

6. Standing over a hole in the ice with a spear in hand hoping a big fish will swim right under the hole that's been drilled.

7. Being a cheese snob.

8. Preferring brats to all other cased meats.

9. Calling it a TYME Machine.

10. Grilling no matter the weather.

11. Heading up north.

12. Calling it a bubbler.

13. Expecting your Bloody Mary to come with accouterments and a chaser.

14. Measuring distance in time instead of miles.

So, do you know you’re from Wisconsin when you do the 14 things mentioned above? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section. Also, if you can think of any other fun facts about Wisconsin to add to this list, feel free to share those with us as well.
For more info about life in Wisconsin, be sure to take a look at the following article explaining things no one tells you about surviving a Wisconsin winter. If you want to get to know the heart of Wisconsin, go on a Milwaukee ghost tour to learn about the interesting history of one of our favorite cities.
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Things People From Wisconsin Do + Related Info
What are five Wisconsin stereotypes?
There are plenty of Wisconsin stereotypes that need to be put to rest. While many of them are funny Wisconsin stereotypes, there are plenty of others that aren't. Listed below are five Wisconsin stereotypes that people need to move on from.
1. It snows every day in Wisconsin.
It doesn't snow in Wisconsin every single day. The Badger State experiences other seasons, including fall.
2. Everyone in Wisconsin lives on a dairy farm.
Not everyone in Wisconsin lives on a dairy farm. Many people indeed do, but not everyone.
3. In Wisconsin, everything revolves around the Green Bay Packers.
Sure, the Green Bay Packers are a big deal, but it's not the only thing Wisconsin is all about.
4. Wisconsinites only eat cheese.
Everyone associates cheese with Wisconsin. However, just like in other states, many types of dishes are served here.
5. Wisconsinites only listen to country music.
For some reason, everyone believes the only genre of music Wisconsinites listen to is country. This couldn't be further from the truth.
What are five weird things people from Wisconsin do?
There are many weird things that you might catch someone from Wisconsin doing. Listed below are five that might make you do a double-take.
1. Wisconsinites love putting cheese on their apple pie.
2. They'll also drive in extremely snowy conditions without giving it a second thought.
3. Many of them also like going shirtless and wearing shorts in the snow.
4. Wisconsinites have a habit of checking whether or not their cheese curds squeak.
5. They often refer to a "stoplight" as a "stop and go light.” If you think about it, it does make a lot of sense.