They might have started playing baseball already, but it’s probably a bit early yet to say spring has sprung here in Wisconsin. We all know better and assume there’s a chance for a least one more snow. With the late start to the worst of winter this year, we’re likely to get a late start to spring and that’s bad news for folks who suffer from allergies.
When cold weather pushes spring back a bit, all the things that release allergens into the air – the pollinators – all bloom at once. Instead of having early pollinators, followed by mid-spring and late-spring bloomers, they all release their pollen at once, making it miserable for those who suffer from seasonal allergies. It doesn’t help that Madison is already on a number of lists for worst places for allergy sufferers. It turns out Wisconsin is just not a great place to be in spring if you have an aversion to pollen, ragweed and other sneeze-inducing spring friends. says it should be a moderate spring for allergens, but local city forecasts for pollen counts are already showing moderately high and high numbers for this week and the beginning April overall.
No one knows for sure what makes the central part of the state particularly bad for pollen counts, but the past year has shown some of the highest numbers in years and it's not likely to be any better this spring. The warning scale goes up to 12 and has Madison above an 8 for the next week, with a few days even higher. It might be below freezing outside while I write this, but that doesn't mean the allergens aren't already out to get you.
It turns out the flowers don't have to be blooming to cause itchy, watery eyes, sneezing and general unhappiness in those who suffer when the seasons change.
It snowed in some places this weekend and folks still have piles of unmelted white stuff, but that doesn't seem to matter when it comes to pollen, ragweed and other allergens.
No matter what seems to trigger your seasonal allergies, it seems like stocking up on antihistamine and tissues would be the right move right now. The pollen is here and it's not going anywhere anytime soon.
They say allergens should start to wane at the end of May, but that's two whole months away, so just go ahead and start stocking up on supplies and planning to never leave the house.
Sorry, non-allergy sufferers. We pollen- and ragweed-averse folks will be sniffling, sneezing and generally looking like we've come down with the worst cold in history, but at least it's not catching!