Five and dime shops used to be ubiquitous. From small local stores to chains like Woolworth’s, these stores were a treasure trove. Heading to one of these places when you were younger was a feast for the sensations and your parents would pick up everything from hosiery to a hammer and nails and you might even get lucky and get to stop at the lunch counter if your local spot had one. These eclectic stores have mostly faded away, but up in the Sheboygan area, there are two Evans stores that still evoke the old general stores. Inside you’ll find everything you can ever imagine and more. These stores have been serving the area for more than 80 years and if you’re in the area, take a trip down memory lane by making a visit.
Evans is located at 117 Pine St., Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085 and 525 Fremont St., Kiel, WI 53042. You can find out more about these fascinating vast stores on their website or by checking out their Facebook page.