10 Milwaukee Quirks That Set Us Apart From The Rest
Everyone has their own set of quirks, but Milwaukeeans are truly unlike any other group of people. Whether it’s using words no one else has ever heard of, obsessing over dairy products, or representing the Packers in any and every circumstances, we have a few habits that won’t ever leave. These ten Milwaukee quirks can never be broken, but you’ll learn to find them endearing.

Brewers games are always a good time, but Milwaukeeans are in it for the racing sausages! You’ll find us making bets with our neighbors on whether the hot dog or Italian sausage will go all the way. This is a totally normal conversation.

If you overhear a Milwaukeean's conversation, you’ll often hear us express that we’re going "by" the store. No, we’re not driving by, we’re going there! It sounds right to us.

It doesn’t matter the occasion... if it’s Packer Sunday, you better believe we’ll be decked out in all of our favorite gear.

Cheese is an accessory, don’tcha know?

It’s not a drinking fountain, it’s a bubbler. Always. You’d think Milwaukeeans have their own language or something.

Yes, other beer exists. No, we do not want them (unless they're from a Milwaukee brewery, of course!)

A cheese curd is not a real cheese curd until you hear that sweet squeaking sound.

Many people go out on Friday nights to dance the night away, and we do too... but we do it at a local fish fry! No Friday is complete without a fish dinner and polka dancing with fellow Milwaukeeans.

Need to go outside? Snow blow the driveway? Go skiing? Shorts will do! It’s above zero degrees, after all.

Milwaukeeans take the phrase "turn the other cheek" to a new level. If you do us any injustice, there’s a good chance we’ll still give you the shirt off our backs with a smile on our faces. We can’t help it, we’re almost too nice.
We’re a weird bunch, but that’s what makes us so wonderful! We love that our unique traits make us stand out from the crowd. What quirks do you possess from living in The Good Land? Let us know in the comments!
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