Princeton is a small town of about 1,000 people that’s 40 miles west of Fond du Lac on the Fox River. Known as home to one of the best outdoor flea markets in the country, it’s a place you should visit on the merits of that market alone. But the flea market isn’t the only reason treasure hunters will want to visit. With a number of antique shops in town, you’re going to want to make sure you’ve got plenty of space to take home all the amazing things you’re going to want to buy.
Princeton looks like any number of small towns that dot the Wisconsin landscape, but you're not going to want to drive on by. There's a ton of great stuff to discover in this small town that's chock full of antiques for you to unearth.
The flea market takes place from April 20 – October 12th in 2019 and runs from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Princeton's City Park. Admission and parking are free, so you can save that money for buying up deals.
This outdoor market is chock full of antiques, crafts, food and all kinds of goodies. You have to take the time to dig for some goodies, but you'll have a blast in a gorgeous setting looking for your next bargain.
In town, MnM Antique Mall has stall after stall of goodies that seem to go on forever. The antiques here range from furniture to clothes and everything in between.
Johnny Crow's is a smaller store, but it's no less full of amazing treasures just waiting to be discovered. It's a wonderful spot to shop and just another of the great reasons why Princeton is where you want to be if you love rusty gold.
At Woolbright's Rivers Edge, you'll also find a bevy of stalls chock full of amazing antiques. They've got furniture as well as a ton of other great things for you to pick through.
There's just truly so much here to find and love here in Princeton. You definitely won't go home empty handed and you'll find store after store to keep you busy. Antique lovers should plan to spend a weekend here - bring friends and spend hours browsing and buying. It's basically antique perfection.
Last but not least, Huser Daddy's is the place to find gorgeous old doors and windows as well as all kinds of other salvaged treasures. It's one of the best spot for adding cool old details to your home.
Princeton is a true gem of a town that has a reputation among treasure hunters, but few Wisconsinites know about. It's the perfect place for a weekend away or a day trip - just know you'll need to get up early on a Saturday to find the best deals at the flea market. Once you've scoured there, stick around to check out all the amazing shopping this place has to offer.
The Princeton city website has tons of information for those wishing to make the trip, so make sure you check there for all the planning you could want. The Princeton Flea Market is held at Princeton’s City Park, located on the 400 block of Fulton St. (Hwy. 23).