The Best Sight In The World Is Actually A Road Sign That Says Welcome To West Virginia
By Cristy
Updated on April 05, 2024
(Originally published July 15, 2022)
Welcome to West Virginia . Those are great words. Do you know what makes them even better, though? When they’re beaming out at you from a road sign to announce that you’ve just crossed over into the best state in the whole U.S.A. West Virginia welcomes you with all of its heart.
What is the best sight in the world? Maybe it's a beautiful view. Maybe it's a loved one's face. Or maybe, just maybe it's a West Virginia welcome sign.
You know the ones, standing as tall and proud sentinels along the Mountain State's borders, announcing to travelers that they have finally arrived in Almost Heaven.
The sight of one of these road signs can ease the tension in your neck, take the weight off your shoulders, and bring a smile to your face.
Such a sight can lead to the loud singing of random lines of the universally popular John Denver song, that unofficial West Virginia anthem "Country Roads."
It can induce immediate cravings for foods like hotdogs, pepperoni rolls, and Tudor's breakfast biscuits.
It can cause otherwise sane drivers (and passengers) to suddenly whip out their phones and begin snapping photos through blurry windshields, later to be posted on social media just to let everyone know that yes, wild, wonderful West Virginia does still exist, and yes, you did indeed finally make it here once again, to your heart's home.
Isn't that what it is, after all? No matter how far you transplant, no matter whether you were born here or have just visited, there's just something about the Mountain State that creeps into your heart and sets up residence there, calling you to come back again and again.
Some blame it on these age-old mountains. Others call it roots.
Either way, you're never the same again ... and you're always more than happy to see one of those cheerful, proud "Welcome To West Virginia" road signs flash by your vehicle window. Amiright?
You know why we really love West Virginia, if not, these beautiful natural areas in this slideshow will show you:
We know, we know: West Virginia is calling and you must go. Do tell, where do you usually pass a Welcome to West Virginia sign that so warmly welcomes you back home?
Here Are 10 Things Everyone In West Virginia Absolutely Loves
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