Do you ever have trouble agreeing on where to hike because you can’t decide (either in your own mind or among your hiking partners) whether you want to tromp through the beautiful forests of West Virginia or whether you’d rather get some of the Mountain State’s famous waterfront views? Here’s a trail that lets you do both, and it’s arguably one of the best hikes you can take in the whole state.
The New River Gorge, West Virginia. It's likely the most well known of attractions in the whole state, and for good reason. And one of the most famous natural panoramas in this beloved natural wonder is Sandstone Falls.
Except it hasn't always been forest. It used to be farmland. Now, the forest is reclaiming its old territory, and filling back in this island that was once logged and cultivated by local Appalachian subsistance farmers.
Along the Island Loop Trail, you'll enjoy the shade of these regrown trees, as well as the lush green of mossy rocks against the leaf-litter browns of the forest floor.
The Island Loop Trail is rated "easy." It's only a mile in length and gains less than 22 feet of elevation, making it suitable for many ages and abilities.