There are just some things we feel really, really strongly about here in West Virginia. These are hills West Virginians are generally willing to die on, as it were … BECAUSE THEY’RE TRUE, of course. If you have been living in West Virginia for any amount of time, we are sure you’ll agree.
Here's a West Virginia hill to die on, and if you don't pronounce it that way, we'll throw an apple atcha. As the only state that's entirely within the Appalachian Region, we should know.
2. It's West Virginia, BEST Virginia, thanks very much
We all know the best part of Virginia moved west in 1863, after all. And speaking of, just to be very clear, Richmond isn't our state capital. No, indeed. Not by a long shot.
Some people will try to tell you that John Denver's hit song is actually about Virginia. Or Maryland. HOGWASH. This is one of the facts about WV you don't want to get wrong.
We still know enough of the old ways to hold our own. We can grow our own food, or forage it from our beloved mountains, if we need to. We can barter with our neighbors, who are also our friends. We have roots that go deep, and we're not easily shaken.
5. Some of the rumors, superstitions, and old wives' tales are actually true
If you are living in WV you know Ghosts ARE real. So are Mothman, the Flatwoods Monster, and Bigfoot. Black panthers still prowl these woods. Death comes in threes. The inside of a persimmon seed can predict the coming winter's weather. You may not be willing to stake your life on all of these claims (or the countless others you've likely heard), but surely there's at least one in here you're pretty adamant about!
Need we say more? We all have it. We know the value of it. We know how and when to use it. We know how and when to clean it. We know how and when to season it. We cook our cornbread (to serve with beans, of course!) in it. We'll whack intruders with it. We swear by it.
We wouldn’t trade our life in West Virginia for anything – that’s how much pride we have in our state. What other truths did we miss about living in West Virginia? Share the things you’ll hold true to the bitter end with us! They may even be worth starting a war over…