What is West Virginia’s most famous waterfall? If you said “Blackwater Falls,” we’d have to agree with you. This 60-foot cascade is the star and namesake of West Virginia’s most visited state park. But there are other waterfalls in Blackwater Falls State Park that are also well worth a visit, and Elakala Falls, located just steps from Blackwater Falls Lodge, is one of them.
Just a short walk from the Blackwater Falls State Park Lodge is a charming wooden footbridge that crosses Shays Run, a small creek that cascades down into Blackwater Canyon.
As the second most visited falls in Blackwater Falls State Park, this first Elakala Falls is by far the most famous of the four. That's partly because it's so easy to reach; the other three falls are downstream into Blackwater Canyon and barely accessible, even for experienced hikers.
Like neighboring Blackwater Falls, Elakala Falls also sports colored water, dyed dark amber by tannins from the hemlock trees that stand guard over these waters.
You can see why photographers, hikers, and nature enthusiasts love this spot: it's a beautiful scene, whether the water is roaring after a recent rain...