Our great state of West Virginia is not without a fair share of haunted places – and cemeteries seem to be a hotbed for spirits who aren’t exactly at peace. One cemetery, in particular, has a haunting unlike most. It doesn’t involve a ghost, orbs, cold spots or anything of the kind. No. It’s worse than anyone can imagine.
This peculiar haunt takes place at the lovely Old Stone Presbyterian Church in Lewisburg, where, there sits a monument that has the legendary power to place a curse on someone.
Subsequently, she was laid to rest in the cemetery of the Old Stone Presbyterian Church. But soon after, two of Maud's cousins came to visit her grave. Distraught from losing their cousin, they each kissed a cheek on the angelic monument on top of Maud's grave.
Both girls became quite ill with pneumonia after kissing Maud's monument — and both soon died. Since then, the angel atop Maud's grave has been called the "Angel of Death." It's said if you kiss the the Angel of Death, you too will die soon after.