Tucked away in Shepherdstown, West Virginia is a little-known farm providing a safe haven for more than 500 rescued animals… many of them are pigs. Taking in the unwanted, discarded, and neglected, PIGS animal sanctuary gives pigs and others a second chance and a secure home.
PIGS Animal Sanctuary was established in 1992 to care for abused, neglected, and unwanted animals. The refuge specializes in pigs but provides care for a number of other species, too.
The sanctuary got its start during the potbelly pig craze of the 1990s. Many owners purchased these lovable animals not realizing they could easily grow into 150-lb. creatures that when confined to a house could become quite destructive.
A group of pig loving enthusiasts opened PIGS Animal Sanctuary providing specialized resources to deal with the unwanted pig population. Now decades later, these creatures are happily enjoying a new lease on life.
The furry residents include goats, donkeys, horses, cats, dogs, llamas, and even a blind cow. There are also some feathered friends such as chickens and turkeys to complete the roundup on the farm.