When people think about the most prominent animals in West Virginia, the answer is usually deer, bobcats or coyotes. An answer you wont typically hear is alpacas, But there is an alpaca farm here and it’s time for you to go.
Morgan's Fortunato Farm breeds the finest alpacas in the region. They're genetically distilled to produce the best fur, which has many different uses from clothing to rope.
The Alpacas at the farm are of a breed known as huacayas. The focus of the The Morgan family is white alpacas because of the fur's high quality, and the ease with which it can be dyed.
The Morgan Family, who owns the farm and lives on the 30-acre property, became interested in alpacas at a festival in Maryland. This was followed by extensive research about the animals. The scientific backgrounds of several family members have allowed them to understand the genetics of alpacas and the best methods to breed and maintain the health of these amazing creatures.
The Morgans focus on bloodlines with the genetic qualities required to breed champion alpacas. The breeding program from which the alpacas at the farm originated is the Estancia Accoyo ranch in Peru. It is those breeding practices that the Morgans emulate to produce the finest animals with the finest fur.
The shop at the farm is a prime example of the quality garments and unique items the fur can produce. You can purchase these items from the farm itself. Other services at the farm include transportation, birthing, brokering, sales, boarding, and stud service.