Did you know that science and history have both shown that sunlight and fresh air can neutralize most germs and some viruses? That’s right! So pull back your curtains, open your windows, and head outside to enjoy the healing power of some good, old-fashioned fresh air and sunshine–West Virginia has plenty of both to go around!
Not sure where to go? We’ve got you covered. Here are 13 general suggestions with specific options for each, totaling over 100 awesome outdoor destinations around West Virginia.
West Virginia's boardwalks lead through stunning countryside and past beautiful mountain views. Here are 9 boardwalks to investigate, and every single one is worth a trip!
With West Virginia's rich mining heritage, you can bet we have our share of abandoned mining towns! Visit one of these 7 ghost towns to take a step back in time.
For another type of step back in time, consider taking a walking tour of a historic district! There's so much history in our area; if you're interested in learning more, these 7 historic districts are a great way to start.
Let's not forget rivers! There's nothing quite like strolling along a river, listening to the rush of the water or perching on the rocks along the bank, watching the reflection of the sky and the opposite bank. Here are a few or 15 rivers to get you started!
Along those same lines, what's a better way to catch some fresh air and sunshine than by doing a little fishing? Here are 12 fishing holes to try. Remember, kids fish free but adults need a license.
Of course, what outdoor list would be complete without a few city parks? Grab the kids and head out to play at your local playground or one of these 7 playgrounds around the state.