There's A Lentil Festival In Washington And It's Just As Wacky And Wonderful As It Sounds
By Rachel Raimondi|Published July 17, 2023
Rachel Raimondi
Writer some days, editor other days, nerd all days. Love to travel to lesser-known spots and give them the love they deserve. Independently owned motor inns, Mom and Pop restaurants, uncrowded National Parks and trails.
In between these, spend my free time virtually adventuring through point-and-click games. Native New Yorker but can frequently be found roaming other parts of the United States.
I scream, you scream, we all scream for…lentils? Well, if you live in or around Pullman, Washington, you do! Every year, the city honors this tasty legume with a festival. It’s one of the most unique festivals in Washington, attracting thousands to celebrate it. So let’s dive into the National Lentil Festival located on the beautiful fields of Reaney Park.
Since 1989, the Lentil Festival has been a highly anticipated and attended event.
Have you ever been to the National Lentil Festival? What are your favorite unique festivals in Washington? I know I’d put this one at the top of my list! How about you? Tell us your picks in the comments!