Here Are 20 of the Safest And Most Peaceful Places To Live In Washington
Safety is important in order to have a happy, secure life. But what makes an area “safe” can be determined from a few different factors, and it can even be a little subjective. If you’re looking for a small town in the Evergreen state that’s known for being a bit more peaceful, check out one of these 20 small towns, based on FBI crime data from 2013 (in no particular ranking):

Carnation is a small town in King County, not far from Fall City and Snohomish. With only about 2,000 residents, and an almost non-existent crime rate, the community offers a quiet, relaxing place to live, out of harm's way.

Halfway between Carnation and Monroe, Duvall is another great place to live in King County. The crime rate here is considerably low, for a town with a population of about 8,000+.

With a population of about 2,500, Everson offers cozy, small town living without much to worry about. You can find the serene little town in northwestern Washington, in the foothills of the Cascades.

Colfax is just north of Pullman by the rolling hills of the Palouse. The town of about 2,800 boasts a considerably low crime rate, as well as a number of old, historical buildings downtown.

Kalama can be found just south of Longview, on the banks of the beautiful Columbia River. Aside from quiet, safe living, the town is actually known for being home to the tallest one-piece totem pole in the world, at 140 feet tall.

Just south of Chehalis, Winlock is known for having an egg so big you would need a frying pan the size of a truck to fry it. The "Worlds Largest Egg" proudly represents the small town's history as a major producer.

Home to about 3,300 residents, Moxee is located in Central Washington along the I-82 corridor, just east of Yakima. Though small, the agriculture town has reported crimes were pretty much absent here in previous years.

Another great option in the Yakima area is Zillah. This small town of less than 3,000 residents had a low crime rate based on the 2013 stats - and is best known for being home to the Teapot Dome Service Station.

Raymond is a quaint little town on Willapa Bay, not far from the coast. With a population of only about 2,800, the small community offers undisturbed living with unparalleled scenery.

Republic is a small, historic town surrounded by forest, in northeastern Washington. With only about a thousand residents, crimes here are pretty much nonexistent.

Based on the FBI stats from 2013, there were virtually zero reports in all categories for Odessa. Even today, a few years later, the small town in eastern Washington still offers comfortable, safe living with only about a thousand residents.

Long Beach is a charming small town right along the coast. In addition to their gorgeous scenery by the ocean, the community offers plenty to see and do (which you can read more about here!)

Selah is a beautiful town in Central Washington, just north of Highway 12 and Interstate 82. The population is a little higher than other towns on this list at 7,100+, but their offense rate is still quite a bit lower based on the population ratio.

Westport is another lovely, safe haven out by the coast. Home to about 2,000 residents, the beach town can proudly boast there wasn't a single violent crime reported here in 2013.

Kittitas is a tiny, tranquil town just outside of Ellensburg in Central Washington. Not only is their population pretty low at about 1,300+ residents, but their crime late is thankfully low as well.

Mattawa is a small, agricultural town just outside of Ellensburg and Kittitas, right by the Columbia River. Their population shoots up to about 4,500-6,500 residents during fruit picking season, and tends to go back down to about 2,000 residents during the off-season.

Palouse offers complete tranquility in the rolling hills of southeastern Washington. They don't have a huge, corporate shopping mall, but you will find plenty of small local businesses with antiques, quilt fabrics, and thrifty treasures.

White Salmon is a picturesque German-influenced town right along the Columbia River. With a small population of only about 2,200, violent crimes in this community are really quite rare.

Tieton can be found in the Yakima area, not far from the small town of Naches. With a population of about 1,200, the town is generally pretty secure, with hardly any crimes documented in 2013.

Nestled in the foothills of the Cascades, Morton offers a quiet sanctuary, with hardly any crimes reported in 2013. The town is known for having a thriving arts scene - with a small performing theater, and a fantastic gallery that showcases a wide variety of local work.
Are you from any of these peaceful places in Washington? What are some other safe towns to live in around our state??
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