Don't Pass By This Unassuming Washington Gas Station Without Stopping For Fried Catfish
By Andrea Verschuyl|Published February 06, 2024
Andrea Verschuyl
Having grown up in Washington, Andrea is a self-admitted Pacific Northwest snob. In their opinion, there's simply nowhere else in the country with the Evergreen State's beauty. After attending university, Andrea devoted themselves to writing full-time. They're thrilled to represent Washington for Only In Your State while pursuing other professional and personal projects. They currently reside in Olympia, where they enjoy leaf-blowing their yard, perfecting homemade ramen, cuddling with their three tiny dogs, and feeding their pufferfish, Sea Biscuit.
There are some neighborhood secrets that locals keep closely; to share would feel like a betrayal of confidence. At the risk of breaking this sacred code, I’m going to tell you about a spot many of my former neighbors would prefer you didn’t know. For the best catfish in Seattle, visit the Shell gas station on Beacon Ave S. No kidding, every afternoon, there’s a line out the door for this indulgent Southern classic.
You'll find this improbable favorite in Beacon Hill, just south of the International District. Known for its iconic Pacific Tower— the Art Deco building that looms large over the city and busy interstate— Beacon Hill isn't known as one of Seattle's foodie enclaves.
I'd have never learned about the neighborhood's famed catfish if I hadn't lived there for two years. The gas station's conventional appearance belies its deli's cult following, and the only advertisement is the line that stretches out the door every day come lunchtime.
It was this very queue that snagged me and my husband's attention while we walked our dogs. Being the chatty East coaster he is, he inquired about the fuss.
Be warned: the recidivism rate of this Shell's fried catfish is woefully high. It only took one fateful lunch before we were hooked, lining up behind other diners for our bite of Southern indulgence.
No, the presentation is nothing to write home about. Nor is the counter service, where the deli workers are kind enough, but speed is prioritized over personable tête-à-têtes.
Yet this humble gas station has accrued a mass word-of-mouth following on the merits of its fried catfish alone, a real coup d'état in a city with so many good meals.
Seattle visitors might feel inclined to stick to well-trod roads, but if you seek a truly local adventure, I recommend frequenting this popular catfish spot. Sure, it's a gas station deli, but the unlikely venue only enhances the revelation of its dining experience.
We Seattleites don’t bat an eye at distant reservations or getting our steps in while waiting for brunch. That said, I’m willing to admit that we’re spoiled— nay discerning— when it comes to eating out, and gas stations aren’t generally the loci of local column attention or word-of-mouth buzz. With this in mind, it really does say something that the Beacon Ave S Shell has grown quietly renowned as the spot where you can buy the best catfish in Seattle.
Whether you’re staying for the weekend or a lifelong resident, consider this deli a formidable entry to the city’s list of great eats.
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