The Pancake From Hash In Washington Is So Big, It Could Feed An Entire Family
By Andrea Verschuyl|Published October 17, 2023
Andrea Verschuyl
Having grown up in Washington, Andrea is a self-admitted Pacific Northwest snob. In their opinion, there's simply nowhere else in the country with the Evergreen State's beauty. After attending university, Andrea devoted themselves to writing full-time. They're thrilled to represent Washington for Only In Your State while pursuing other professional and personal projects. They currently reside in Olympia, where they enjoy leaf-blowing their yard, perfecting homemade ramen, cuddling with their three tiny dogs, and feeding their pufferfish, Sea Biscuit.
In my house, we adhere to a breakfast edict: the menu’s long, the coffee’s strong, if there’s not a line, then something’s wrong. In Olympia, brunch aficionados clamor for seats at the westside favorite, Hash. This funky neighborhood eatery is serving some of the best breakfast in Olympia, Washington, and offers one memorable menu item that keeps regulars coming back for more.
Located in the capital's charmingly bohemian Westside, Hash has quickly become a neighborhood institution. That's despite being a relative newcomer to a town where restaurants either stay in business forever or disappear within months of opening.
The vibrant interior is a distillation of what makes this joint's hometown great. The walls are adorned with funky treasures that could've been plucked from a local estate sale. Though Hash is in a constant cycle of turning tables, expect to receive your food quickly from waitstaff, who are as friendly as they are unapologetically unpretentious.
Whatever your morning preferences, Hash's menu has you covered. Diners may choose between breakfast staples, like eggs benedict dolloped with luscious hollandaise, or find a new favorite, like the restaurant's selection of Hawaiian loco moco.
When perusing the eatery's reviews, you'll find countless photos of awestruck customers posing with this pancake as though it were a hunting prize. Buttery, fluffy, and oh-so-good, your tête-à-tête with this griddle special is worth immortalizing. It's also worth bringing reinforcements to help you finish!
Hash's other menu entries are just as mouthwatering. Take, for instance, the decadently iced cinnamon bun. This confection has a cult following and is often gone by the time brunch stragglers arrive at noon.
Hash meets all the criteria to qualify as a local institution, winning over all who taste its satisfying creations. With any luck, it will join the ranks of other stalwart Olympian eateries, beloved by diners for years to come.
If you find yourself hungry in the Thurston County area, don’t think twice; head to Hash for a satisfying breakfast in Olympia, Washington. This Westside joint has character, quality, and pancakes that squeeze in pizza boxes.