There’s A Deadly Plant Growing In Washington Yards That Looks Like A Harmless Weed
By Andrea Verschuyl|Published August 07, 2023
Andrea Verschuyl
Having grown up in Washington, Andrea is a self-admitted Pacific Northwest snob. In their opinion, there's simply nowhere else in the country with the Evergreen State's beauty. After attending university, Andrea devoted themselves to writing full-time. They're thrilled to represent Washington for Only In Your State while pursuing other professional and personal projects. They currently reside in Olympia, where they enjoy leaf-blowing their yard, perfecting homemade ramen, cuddling with their three tiny dogs, and feeding their pufferfish, Sea Biscuit.
For some of us, summer in Washington State means berry season. While Washingtonians aren’t short on delicious native berries, there are some plants that we ought to avoid. Bittersweet nightshades are a toxic plant in Washington that you need to know about, so let’s brush up on our botanicals!
Bittersweet nightshades may not be the most toxic plant in Washington, but their ability to thrive in numerous environments means they’re still worth looking out for in your backyard, particularly if you have small children or pets.
If you’re new to wild-berry-picking, we suggest teaming up with experts who will show you the ropes. Food is a profound way of connecting to a place, and guided foraging experiences can teach us a lot about where we live, our local history, and our relationship to the environment.