You'll Want To Stay Far Away From The Huge, Venomous Caterpillars Making Their Way Through Virginia
By Beth|Published October 18, 2020
A lifelong Virginia resident, Beth loves exploring different parts of the world and currently resides in Charlottesville. She holds a degree in English Literature and one of her short stories has been featured in the Shenandoah Review. Other interests include hiking, songwriting, and spending time in the mountains.
Virginia is home to an abundance of beautiful wildlife, from the smallest critters to larger-than-life creatures. And while each plays an important role in maintaining our ecosystem, today’s subject seems to be downright creepy. These furry, spiky caterpillars are venomous and can cause excruciating pain if touched. So keep an eye out for these bizarre insects and heed the advice of the National Forest Service: stay far, far away!
Nicknamed the woolly slug, this caterpillar is an invasive species considered to be the most poisonous of its kind in the U.S.
These large, furry insects, known officially as Megalopyge opercularis, may look soft to the touch, but that couldn't be further from the truth. The "fur" you see is actually a collection of tiny bristles that can cause excruciating pain.
Each hair features a microscopic barb at the end and when touched, these needle-like spikes can stick to your skin, causing pain and a red rash. The good news is that the poison from a woolly slug isn't lethal.
The Virginia Department of Forestry has received reports of these insects in Virginia's eastern counties, although they're popping up in other parts of the U.S. too. You're likely to find them on nut trees, elms, and maples.
If you should see one of the caterpillars or moths, it's best to stay far away and, according to officials, let the natural predators take care of the population.
The moths don't sting, but where you find the moth, it's likely that the caterpillars aren't far away. Those who are stung by a caterpillar will experience a visible rash and potentially other symptoms such as a mild fever and vomiting.