Uphill hiking is fun and all, but sometimes all you want is a peaceful walk through a gorgeous landscape…that doesn’t require calves of steel. Here’s a stunning boardwalk “hike” in Vermont that is sure to strike your fancy.
West Rutland Marsh is a beautiful natural hideaway in (you guessed it) West Rutland. It’s home to a boardwalk that’s pretty as a picture.
The marsh is actually man made. It’s an indirect result of marble quarrying nearby, and was formed after huge quantities of sand were dumped and left to grow over.
This trail definitely isn’t a long one – you might want to spend a leisurely 10 minutes on the outward journey across the boardwalk and 10 minutes coming back, so plan on a 20 minute stroll.
There’s no cost to visit the marsh and it’s the perfect place to take kids. They’ll love running through the cattails on the boardwalk and spotting birds.