Ahhhh, Vermont farms… It’s what best selling postcards are made of, especially during peak foliage! All kidding aside, farms in Vermont are everywhere and they are a huge part of our lifestyle, not to mention our livelihood. Even those who live here can’t help but gaze over at a barn set back in a field, along the highway or tucked away in the woods down a back road when passing by. And with Vermont’s rich history of farming and agriculture, you don’t have to go far to find these stunning structures. They come in every shape, size and purpose – and no matter what state of repair they’re in, they serve as a part of history for the families who built them. These 15 barns are just a few of the many here in Vermont. If only they could talk… The stories would be incredible!
Farming in Vermont has always been difficult, and because of the region’s hilly, rocky terrain, most farms are small. Farmers simply cannot plant vast fields like those in the Midwest or South. But somehow we continue to make it work.
There is a crop for everyone! Who doesn't want some extra cash by selling pumpkins while maintaining a quintessential lawn like this this beautiful Winooski River farm?
12. It doesn't really get lonely in the country...