There's No Better Place To Spend Your Summer Than These 6 Hidden Vermont Spots
By Marla S.|Published August 18, 2021
Marla S.
Marla is a professional writer with experience creating content such as blogs, newsletters, web copy, and marketing materials for her clients in the travel, health, and education industries.
Previously, Marla had lived and or traveled to over 35 countries. She's also called Boston, New York, San Francisco, and Brattleboro, Vermont home. Aside from taking every opportunity to explore the globe, Marla also enjoys spending quality time with her dog, learning languages, and working on her novel.
While there’s so much to do and see in Vermont any time of the year, summer is one of the best seasons for hiking, swimming, road-tripping, and exploring the Green Mountain State. To help you figure out what and where to visit when you travel around Vermont from June through September, read on to learn about some hidden gems that are perfect for a day of play in the summer!
Don’t forget to pack some sunblock and bring your camera when you explore the destinations on this list. And, after you’ve checked these lesser-known spots off your summer to-do list, how about visiting some of Vermont’s stunning waterfalls while it’s warm outside? Check out The Ultimate Vermont Waterfall Road Trip Is Right Here – And You’ll Want To Do It to get ideas of where you’d like to head next.
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