Growing up in Vermont is a truly special gift, and more often than not, it’s beyond just learning a way of life, it becomes a mindset. Let’s take a lighthearted look at a few signs that show you grew up in VT, and will be forever proud of that fact.
1. You swear that Burlington isn’t part of Vermont.
Wow! There sure are a lot of newbies there!
2. You've long accepted that Halloween will be a hit or miss.
You might have to wear a snowsuit over your costume, that is, if you didn't plan for your costume to fit over snowsuit.
3. You learned to drive when your parents thought you were ready.
Maybe not on the main roads, but fields? Heck, yeah! They could use the help!
4. You have a swimming hole that's all yours.
And you'd prefer to keep it that way.
5. You went to school with the same kids for years.
And those class pictures may haunt you forever.
6. You know what "The Notch" is.
And that tractor trailors will always, always get stuck. But if you've cruised through this
awesome tree tunnel you'll never forget it.
7. Getting stuck behind a tractor will never create road rage.
After all, we have unparalleled respect for farmers.
8. You have abnormally high cheese standards.
When you grow up in the land where cheddar is king, you don't eat slices that are individually wrapped.
9. You're always on the lookout for people you know in every crowd.
You scanned the picture before you read this, right? See what I mean?!
10. Every now and then you simply need to be on the mountain.
It doesn't matter what mountain, just any mountain. We need to live vertical lives.
11. You carry a Leatherman.
If you don’t, the Vermonter next to you probably does.
12. Most of your contact numbers start with 802.
It's more than just an area code, and we all know it.
13. You hate traffic lights.
You get annoyed at stopping for traffic lights, but stopping for cows crossing is perfectly OK.
14. You know that only REAL Maple Syrup is worth it.
Offer us the fake stuff and we'll pass. Can you blame us?
15. You love the Mt. Sinai Motor Corps
It's the most fun and interactive part of every local parade.
16. You know how to pronounce Montpelier.
Also, you can say it in both a French and American accent.
17. You used to ski at an area that is now closed.
We miss you
Hogback and all the rest of the awesome slopes!
18. You avoid the stores before a snowfall.
It will be a madhouse. Besides, nothing would be left anyway.
19. Oh deer!
Vermont natives know to drive carefully when it's prime time for the deer to be a leaping.
20. You've done an alpine slide.
Bonus points if you still have the road rash scars to prove it.
21. Annual trips to pick your pumpkin were awesome.
Corn mazes, pumpkin patches, cider donuts and more... those days were (and still are) some of the best memories!
22. Beaches in your memories don't look like this.
They have mountains, trees and more grass than sand, but they're still awesome.
23. You love sugar on snow.
Only In Your State/Kristin Grimes
You follow up your sugar on snow with a donut or a pickle. What's your favorite?
24. You moved back.
If you grew up here you know that there's no place in the world like it.
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