Three Human Cases Of West Nile Virus In Utah Are Confirmed, And Here's How To Keep Yourself Safe
By Catherine Armstrong|Published August 22, 2019
Catherine Armstrong
Writer, editor and researcher with a passion for exploring new places. Catherine loves local bookstores, independent films, and spending time with her family, including Gus the golden retriever, who is a very good boy.
In the last week, it’s been confirmed that three Utahns have West Nile Virus, which can be a serious and even deadly disease. West Nile is carried and transmitted by mosquitos, and there are some things you need to know to keep yourself safe.
In 2018, 11 human cases of West Nile were confirmed in Utah, with one death. In 2017, 62 people were diagnosed with West Nile, and five died.
For more information about West Nile Virus, its symptoms, and how to prevent it, visit the Utah Department of Health’s website. What precautions are you taking to keep you and your family safe from West Nile Virus? Tell our readers in the comments.