Not Many People Realize That These 10 Things Are Actually Illegal In Utah
Utah is known for some of its goofy laws. Our liquor laws, for instance, are definitely confusing for tourists, and often even leave locals scratching their heads. Quite awhile ago, we wrote about these 10 crazy Utah laws. But, wait! There’s more. So much more…here are another 10 for your entertainment. Most probably aren’t enforced, but all are on the books.

While the language in this law is pretty funny (Utah State Code literally says that it's illegal to "cause a catastrophe"), this one kind of makes sense. The law deals with people who cause fires, floods, explosions and other kinds of issues that hurt people and damage property. If you do it on purpose, you're in big trouble.

If you're marrying a sassy one, you'd better keep her in check. Or send her off to Vegas with her girlfriends if she's planning on law-breaking.

You might think, "But...running out of alcohol IS an emergency!" If it's your own personal emergency (and it's not a holiday or a Sunday or after hours at the Utah State Liquor Store), then you'll be just fine. But if the Governor declares a state of emergency, you'd better be stocked up in advance.

This statute basically outlaws "ultimate fighting," and biting is specifically mentioned. So if you're wife is planning to participate in a paid ultimate fighting event and she's a definitely don't want to be there to cheer her on (or you'll be breaking #2 on our list!)

I feel like it's probably tough for Utah law enforcement to arrest a person after he's broken this law...

It's illegal in Utah to fish using a crossbow. Because what are we - Rambo?

Utah state law specifically says that it's illegal to "act or perform services as a weather modifier." This includes such things as cloud seeding and rain dances, we assume.

Does this sound like the movie "Footloose," or what? While dancing itself isn't illegal, hosting a public dancing event is...unless you obtain permission from the City Council first. We saw how well that worked for Kevin Bacon.

OK, so the legislature probably meant to address the issue of diverting Utah's streams, reservoirs and canals. But might want to be careful who you pick a water fight with - the consequences could be ugly.

Utah outlawed the sale of kegs to private citizens back in the 1980s, and that's not a huge surprise. But did you know that mini bottles are also illegal? It turns out that the Utah State Legislature doesn't want you to buy tiny bottles of liquor. Better buy that fifth of vodka, instead!
What’s your favorite crazy Utah law? Which ones do you think are worth keeping?
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