Everybody likes a little spice in their lives, be it a new hobby, job, or a new place to call home. But, if you truly want to shake your food up a bit, head over to iBurn in Houston, Texas, to browse their massive selection of hot sauce. No matter if you’re on the mild or the blazing-hot end of the spice spectrum, you need to check this place out!
The entrance offers up a great first impression, making it look like it's not for the faint at heart. The store is open 11 a.m. - 6 p.m., Monday through Saturday.
For example, try Bravado Spice Co's Creamy Herb and Jalapeno, if you want a mild sauce. On the opposite end of the scale, try Ghost Pepper and Blueberry if you're adventurous.
So if you want to try something new, or challenge your tastebuds, iBurn has all you can handle! Have you ever been to iBurn in Houston, Texas, before? If so, what was your experience like? Please leave a comment about your visit! And be sure to check out the website, where you can view its catalog or place an order.