Brick Fest Live Is An Epic LEGO Festival That’s Coming To Dallas, Texas
Did you know that all LEGO pieces, regardless of what year you purchased them, will fit together with other LEGO generations? You may want to go find your old set that’s hidden away in the attic because there’s a Texas LEGO festival making its way to Dallas and you’re not going to want to miss it. Brick Fest Live is currently on a national tour and they’ll be stopping by Big-D for a few days in March. Here’s everything you need to know:

The dates are March 18-19, 2023. Register for your tickets early! This is a family-friendly event that kids and adults of all ages will enjoy, so bring the whole crew out.

You'll see incredible displays of familiar landscapes from your favorite television shows, plus unique creations that have never seen before!

Be sure to have your camera ready, there will be plenty of photo opportunities!

You'll have plenty of opportunities to get some hands-on experience.

Think you've got the skills to build a first-place racer? We believe in you.

It takes a village to bring these creations to life!

Remember, all LEGO generations fit together!
Register for your tickets to Brick Fest Live now and get ready to be inspired by this epic Texas LEGO festival!
Featured Addresses
Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas, 650 S Griffin St, Dallas, TX 75202, USA