Walk Along Hundreds Of Fossils Outside Of This Dig Site In Tennessee
By Chris Dodge|Published May 24, 2023
Chris Dodge
My name is Chris Dodge and I live right here in the great state of Tennessee. My family and I are full adventurers filled with passion to see the amazing things our state has to offer. We are avid hikers and have explored many different places in Tennessee and beyond but we are always thankful to be living in such a glorious state.
When you hear the word “fossil” the first thing that might come to your mind are dinosaurs. After all, they are the coolest of all the extinct animals, right? Not that these towering giants didn’t once roam the land of Tennessee, but there have been very few archaeological finds of dinosaur bones and fossils in the Volunteer State. However, these are not the only long-lost creatures that have been impressed into the earth’s crust. There are still plenty of fossils in Tennessee, and you can even help find them at the Gray Fossil Site.
The Gray Fossil Site is partnered with the Hands-On! Discovery Center, so both of these scientific places are located on the same property.
The Hands-On! Discovery Center focuses on allowing kids to experiment with various ideas from different fields of science. We went as a family to play and learn and my kids had a blast, but to be perfectly honest, I loved it just as much as they did.
Take a journey through the museum and you can see the recreated creatures made from the fossil findings right on site.
A literal walk back in time, this museum offers visitors the unique opportunity to see what the state looked like long ago. Strange creatures are represented that have since gone extinct, but you can learn all about them when you walk through the museum.
Once you are done you can take a look at real research happening before your very eyes.
The Gray Fossil Site not only digs right on the property but they also study their findings. Large windows give you a peek into what it is like to be a paleontologist. Not only will you see the work being done in the lab, but you can also see massive jaw bones and other interesting fossils on display.
Walk along the butterfly garden and watch as the fluttering insects float their way around to each beautiful flower. Large rocks for kids to climb make this like an outside playground for museum-goers to enjoy. But that is not the only thing you will find through the back door of the Hands-On! Discovery Center; it is what is hiding underneath your feet that might be the most intriguing.
Right on the property students, scientists, and many others are hard at work digging. This meticulous process takes a delicate hand and a keen eye as they search for the remains of these long-lost residents. You can see these active dig sites but it gets even better than that…
…you, too, can join the research! That’s right: you can take on the role of a paleontologist yourself and join in on the exciting hunt for fossils. No prior experience or knowledge is needed, but they are always looking for those who are willing to learn and experience this ongoing project. What an amazing opportunity to “dig in” deeper to learn about our ancient world.
Both the Hands-On! Discovery Center and the Gray Fossil Site pair nicely together, making for an amazingly fun day trip in Tennessee for all ages. There certainly are fossils in Tennessee, and not only are they buried right under our feet, but you can have a hand in the process of finding them. Please visit the Hands-On! Discovery Center website to get your tickets for a fun-filled day of exploring the various fields of science. If you would like to help the process of discovering fossils, make sure you check out the Gray Fossil Site website.