One Of The Most Magical Places To Spot Migratory Birds In Tennessee Is At Reelfoot Lake
By Meghan Kraft|Published March 05, 2022
Meghan Kraft
Meghan Kraft loves to travel the world, but she makes her home right here in Nashville, Tennessee. She holds a degree in English, and has worked in the digital marketing realm with companies such as, USA Today and HarperCollins Publishing.
Reelfoot Lake can be found in the very northwest corner of Tennessee and is known as the only naturally occurring lake in the state. It was formed by the New Madrid Earthquakes in the early 19th century, and the protected state park is now made up of 280 state-protected acres. It straddles both Lake and Obion counties, and though Reelfoot Lake is popular for hiking and camping, it is also a famous birding destination.
Reelfoot Lake may be tucked away in the far corner of Tennessee but it is still one of the most beautiful protected natural areas in the state. Learn more about it and visit for yourself to peek at the migratory birds and learn more about the submerged forest.
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