This Unique Hike Near Nashville Leads To A Moving Memorial Site
By Meghan Kraft|Published August 29, 2019
Meghan Kraft
Meghan Kraft loves to travel the world, but she makes her home right here in Nashville, Tennessee. She holds a degree in English, and has worked in the digital marketing realm with companies such as, USA Today and HarperCollins Publishing.
It’s no secret that the area in and around Nashville is absolutely gorgeous, so it’s also no surprise that there are plenty of great hikes around the city. While many of them lead to stunning vistas, there’s only one that leads to a stunning and beautiful memorial, atop one of the highest hills in the city, no less. From the top of Shy’s Hill, you can learn all about the hill’s role in the Battle of Nashville during the Civil War as well as the brave actions of some incredible soldiers who were able to win the hill. Whether you love nature, history, or both, you need to check out Shy’s Hill.
Nashville is home to multiple Civil War sites, but one of the most unknown is the memorial atop Shy's Hill, tucked away in a quiet Nashville neighborhood.
The trail begins on Benton Smith Road and climbs the hill on a short hike that was once traversed by Union troops as they took the hill from the Confederate soldiers entrenched atop the hill.
At the top of the hill, there are more canons as well as a flag plaza, memorializing the Union and Confederate soldiers who were involved at Shy's Hill.
There's also a monument specifically to the Minnesota troops in the Union Army that stormed the hill to take it from the Confederate entrenchment. All told, 97 of the troops from the Minnesota regiment died trying to take the hill.
Today, the Battle of Nashville Preservation Society takes care of the site and even occasionally gives historical talks and reenactments of the events surrounding Shy's Hill.
So whether you're a lover of history or are looking for a fun, short hike within the city limits, head on out to Shy's Hill today! Address: 4613 Benton Smith Road Nashville, TN 37215