Tennessee is full of haunted buildings and locations, but it is quite possible that the abandoned Tennessee State Prison in Nashville is the most haunted of all. The Tennessee State Prison was shut down by the state in 1992, and since then, has fallen into such disrepair that its exterior was featured in “The Green Mile.” While the movie may not have depicted the prison as haunted, per se, there were definitely some paranormal elements to it. Unfortunately, the prison does not offer tours, but we have some photos sure satisfy your curiosity.
The Tennessee State Prison operated for nearly a century, from 1898 until 1992, when it was closed due to overcrowding.
This prison was not somewhere you wanted to end up, with backbreaking work during the day, and solitary confinement at night. The prison's inhumane conditions are rumored to be the reason ghosts remain to haunt the grounds.
The prison was crumbling when it closed in 1992. Since that time, it's fallen into complete disrepair. Overgrown and collapsing, these prison grounds do seem like the ideal haunting ground for ghosts.
In fact, there have been numerous reports from individuals who have trespassed onto the abandoned Tennessee State Prison (which we do not condone or recommend), of loud screams and unidentifiable footsteps coming from the grounds.
There have also been reports of cell bars clinking open and shut, despite the prison being abandoned for nearly 30 years. People believe that ghosts have stuck around this place to stay closer to the evil that once lived here.
Beside overcrowding and ghosts, the prison faced other problems during its operation. In 1902, one wing of the prison was blown up, allowing two inmates to escape, never to be seen again. A place of numerous riots, prisoners were also known to take over wings and start large fires.