There’s A Gaming Pub In Tennessee, And It’s Enchanting
By Chris Dodge|Published November 08, 2022
Chris Dodge
My name is Chris Dodge and I live right here in the great state of Tennessee. My family and I are full adventurers filled with passion to see the amazing things our state has to offer. We are avid hikers and have explored many different places in Tennessee and beyond but we are always thankful to be living in such a glorious state.
Board games, card games, and other tabletop games are all on the rise across our country. More and more places are recognizing the fun that can be had when we put down our phones and play a game with friends without the use of any technology. Real quality time can be spent around a table, and connections can be made over a meal. Those two worlds have collided and provided us with one amazing gaming pub in Johnson City, Tennessee.
The welcoming atmosphere, the classic Isiah pub fare, and the face-to-face connections made while playing tabletop games all make Mulligan’s Gaming Pub in Johnson City, Tennessee, special. They regularly run events for Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, Boardgames, and Dungeons and Dragons, so make sure you check out Mulligan’s Gaming Pub’s website for more information.