12 Embarrassing Facts About Tennessee That Will Make Your Cheeks Burn
By Meghan Kraft|Updated on December 24, 2022(Originally published December 19, 2022)
Meghan Kraft
Meghan Kraft loves to travel the world, but she makes her home right here in Nashville, Tennessee. She holds a degree in English, and has worked in the digital marketing realm with companies such as Apartments.com, USA Today and HarperCollins Publishing.
Every state has their own embarrassing facts and laws, and despite how wonderful Tennessee is, we’re not exempt from that rule. For example, did you know that a small town in East Tennessee once tried and hanged an elephant for murder? Yep! You read that right! An elephant! If you think that’s embarrassing, just wait until you read the following fun facts and strange laws in Tennessee. Some of them will really leave you scratching your head in wonder. Don’t believe us? Then take a look below.
Like most other states, Tennessee has some pretty silly laws. In fact, it's hard to believe some of them were even made. Listed below are five of Tennessee's silliest laws that'll leave you scratching your head.
1. Selling hollow logs in Tennessee is illegal.
2. It's illegal to dare a child to purchase a beer.
3. According to state law, it's illegal to share your Netflix password.
4. It's illegal to place tacks on the highway.
5. Catching a fish with a lasso is illegal.
There are quite a few weird places in Tennessee. In fact, some of them are so weird that it's hard to believe they actually exist. A few of the weirdest places in Tennessee include Crystal Shrine Grotto in Memphis, the Museum of Salt & Pepper Shakers in Gatlinburg, and the World's Largest Cedar Bucket in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Even though these places are considered weird, they're still worth seeing up close and in person. So, if you've never seen them before, you'll definitely want to add them to your bucket list. And keep in mind, these are only three of the weirdest places in Tennessee. There are far more just waiting for a visit.