The Breathtaking Driving Trail In Tennessee Where You Can Watch Wild Bears Roam
By Chris Dodge|Published September 29, 2022
Chris Dodge
My name is Chris Dodge and I live right here in the great state of Tennessee. My family and I are full adventurers filled with passion to see the amazing things our state has to offer. We are avid hikers and have explored many different places in Tennessee and beyond but we are always thankful to be living in such a glorious state.
The Great Smoky Mountains are one of those unreal destinations filled with so much beauty it’s hard to believe it even exists. The park sees more visitors than any other national park and it’s this beauty that will bring people in from all over the world. One spot that many people will suggest to you when you visit is an easy and accessible way to enjoy the best of the Smokies. Cades Cove is a driving trail in the Great Smoky Mountains that encompasses everything you want to experience in the park in one little section.
Cades Cove is an 11-mile one-lane loop road through some of the most iconic and scenic sections of the Great Smoky Mountains.
Because this is a single-lane road and it gets very busy during the summer months the drive will be slow. This is a place where you will want to take a lighter pace and enjoy everything around you. When an animal is seen oftentimes drivers will stop and block traffic. Knowing this, it's best to just take the whole thing in stride. You don't want to be in a hurry so enjoy the break when it happens.
This driving loop is one of the best places to see wildlife.
The famous black bears that roam the forest are often seen along this trail. There is never a guarantee that you will see one, but you have a very high chance of seeing many different animals. Lots of other animals will meander through the woods and fields. Deer, elk, turkeys, and horses all make their home in what is called "the quieter side of the Smokies".
Getting a chance to see a bear from your car is one of the best options.
Beautiful fields as far as the eye can see, towering mountains in the background, and lush green forests are just some of the sights to be seen on this gorgeous trail.
While driving through you will be following along in the footsteps of the early settlers of this land.
There is plenty of history surrounding the little town of Townsend. Old cabins and buildings have been preserved and can be explored. Walking in the shoes of the people who came decades before you can be fascinating. Just imagine what life was like in this quiet section of mountainous wilderness.
Three churches in Cades Cove are fully preserved and an amazing piece of history to walk through.
The smell of the old wood and the sound of the creaking floors as you step through the building is something that really needs to be experienced firsthand. Lots of history and beauty have held up over the years and can all be explored in this wonderful loop drive.
This driving trail in the Great Smoky Mountains is a perfect way to spend an afternoon in the national park. Explore the many historic buildings, be blown away by the surrounding beauty, and observe the many different animals that call the Smokies home. Make sure to visit this wonderful piece of the park yourself but in the meantime check out this Adventuring in the Moment video.