The Little Known Cave In Tennessee That Everyone Should Explore At Least Once
By Chris Dodge|Published January 30, 2023
Chris Dodge
My name is Chris Dodge and I live right here in the great state of Tennessee. My family and I are full adventurers filled with passion to see the amazing things our state has to offer. We are avid hikers and have explored many different places in Tennessee and beyond but we are always thankful to be living in such a glorious state.
We have many amazing caves in Tennessee, but the Historic Cherokee Caverns in Knoxville is an oft-overlooked hidden gem just waiting to be explored. Curious to learn more? Let’s go underground!
There is something undeniably exciting as you descend into a cave.
Everyone from the casual explorer to avid spelunkers will agree that caves are a unique experience. We love descending down the ramp into the mouth of the cave and preparing for a grand subterranean adventure.
Yet as beautiful as the Cherokee Caverns are, you can’t just walk into them whenever you would like. The cave is only open for special events and holidays. So witnessing these incredible stalactites and stalagmites will have to wait until the next big event.
Throughout the year they host a movie night in the cave. They have featured movies in the past that are set in caves like the Decent. Being underground and watching these horrifying movies can be a real thrill that you simply will not get from watching them in your living room. More family-friendly, and less terrifying, movies will also be shown throughout the year as well.
During Halloween, you can dress up and do some trick or treating in the cave. Collecting candy has never been so fun as you travel deeper into the cave decorated with spooky lights and decor. For Christmas, you can visit Santa and search for the Grinch. The whole cave will be aglow with Christmas lights and holiday cheer.
Music sets the atmosphere as you explore the cave making for a truly unique experience. For the Christmas in the Cave event they host annually, you can sing along to the joyful Christmas carols as you take in this underground wonder.
Inflatables, rope lights, and vendors can all be found during these underground events. When you are looking to do something a little bit different we suggest you plan ahead and take full advantage of this amazing cave.
You may only go to the Cherokee Caverns in Knoxville, Tennessee, during special events, but when you do go the whole experience is magical. Having it only open for events makes the entire cave seem so much more special when you can walk right in. Make sure to check out the events happening this year at the Cherokee Caverns website, then plan a trip underground.