You’ve Never Seen Anything Quite Like This Art Park In Tennessee
By Meghan Kraft|Published August 14, 2018
Meghan Kraft
Meghan Kraft loves to travel the world, but she makes her home right here in Nashville, Tennessee. She holds a degree in English, and has worked in the digital marketing realm with companies such as, USA Today and HarperCollins Publishing.
Tennessee is known for its great outdoors and stunning natural atmosphere, but what about the artistic heart of the folks who live here? Here in Chattanooga, the drive for beauty is strong. Nestled in Tennessee’s small patch of southern eastern time zone, the city is a close Georgia neighbor and hides some of the most crafty and beautiful minds in the state. We aren’t talking about up-and-comers at the local college, either. Chattanooga has a heart for the quirky and beautiful, and it makes way for beautiful experiences – like this art park, for example.