This Fascinating Tennesse Prison Has Been Abandoned And Reclaimed By Nature For Decades Now
By Chris Dodge|Published March 24, 2023
Chris Dodge
My name is Chris Dodge and I live right here in the great state of Tennessee. My family and I are full adventurers filled with passion to see the amazing things our state has to offer. We are avid hikers and have explored many different places in Tennessee and beyond but we are always thankful to be living in such a glorious state.
When you think of our capital city, it’s hard not to imagine flashy neon lights with music blaring out of every building, recording studios hard at work making the next big hit, or the incredible food scene. Amidst all the glimmer and glam of Music City, there is a dark corner that has long been forgotten. The Tennessee State Prison in Nashville has been left to ruin, but still stands as a towering beauty, despite its dark past.
A gothic-style structure sits alone with tall towers and a labyrinth of passageways hidden behind thick concrete walls away from public view; this is the Tennessee State Prison.
What looks like a castle fit to house royalty instead was a place of broken dreams and dark stories. The prison was opened in 1898 with enough room to house 800 inmates in single cells -- 1,403 prisoners showed up, however, making overcrowding a problem from day one.
Although the building is abandoned as a prison there is still activity behind the gates.
The facility is used for training purposes and thus effectively guarded. As tempting as it is to step behind the fence to take a peek, it is strictly forbidden. Anyone that is caught is likely to be persecuted so we suggest you leave the intrigue alone and instead enjoy from a distance.
During its tenure as a working prison, criminals were put to work to effectively pay their debt to society through labor. This was the second prison in Nashville, and the labor force of the first prison helped to build the structure you see standing today.
There is quite a bit of neglect and damage throughout the property, left to ruin over the decades. You can almost imagine what it would be like to walk the open roads within the facility from building to building. See the bars on the wall and feel the sense of being completely trapped.
The Tennessee State Prison was not without its fair share of issues. Two full-scale riots, prison-wide escape plans, and serious fires were just some of the horrific things that went on behind those concrete walls.
Large open spaces are left vacant, rows of cells swinging carelessly open with a corroded coating of rust, and papers strewn across the floors are just some of the things you would find if you could walk this old facility.
Although you cannot just stroll into the prison there is an annual event that will take you up close to the penitentiary. The TDOC Prison 5K Run/Walk will allow registered guests the chance to run, walk, then get a guided tour around the Tennessee State Prison.
As tempting as the Tennessee State Prison in Nashville might be you can’t just walk in there anytime you want to. Fortunately for us, the Tennessee Department of Corrections has recognized this problem and in an effort to solve it has released a video with some cinematic and rather epic drone footage. Get an up-close view and even inside the buildings with this great video by the Tennessee Department of Correction: