Anyone who has ever spent any time in Southern California can you tell this is one place that’s hard to resist. From glorious weather to mouthwatering food and stunning landscapes in every direction, this slice of paradise should be at the top of everyone’s list. Here are 11 reasons that come to mind. Can you think of more?
1. Sunday drives in SoCal are hard to beat. Hit the road and head down PCH to soak up the sun and feel that fantastic ocean breeze hitting your sun-kissed cheeks.
3. Speaking of relaxing, you can thank Southern California for casual Friday. And, when it comes to casual Friday in SoCal, some of us enjoy it all week long.
4. Outdoorsy adventures can be found in every direction. Whether you are drawn to the beach, the mountains, the desert, or the forest, SoCal is filled with an abundance of amazing outdoor experiences.
5. When it comes to beaches, mountains, forests, and don't have to travel very far in SoCal to see a variety of settings. Dip your toes in the water then jump in the car and take a short scenic drive to enjoy a completely different view all in one day.
8. SoCal is also home to the best burgers on the planet. And fries. And shakes. The drive-thru may be long at In N Out, but it's always worth the wait.
9. Southern California may be known for its amazing food, but it's also home to some pretty fantastic waterfront settings that make an already amazing meal even more mind-blowing.
10. You can dine outdoors in Southern California all year long and enjoy a meal in the fresh outdoor air. Whether it's spring, summer, fall, or winter, SoCal is pure paradise when it comes to spending time outside.
11. Last but not least, SoCal is home to the most spectacular sunrises and stunning sunsets that will take your breath away every day of the week. It's always pure magic around here.