No matter the size or number of attractions, every South Dakota town is a gem, thanks to our beautiful prairie and mountain landscapes and good, salt of the earth people. All of that being said, we do not take too kindly to out-of-staters who complain about our great state or say some not-so-nice things, which recently happened with our very own Mitchell:
Recently published by Mind Your Dollars is their list of the 40 Worst Cities to Visit in the United States, which names places like St. Louis, Missouri; Hampton Beach, New Hampshire; and Mitchell, South Dakota.
"Behold, The Corn Palace!" snarks Mind Your Dollars, adding that Mitchell houses the only corn palace in the world, "Because that’s something people are just clamoring for after they take the time to visit the Devil’s Rope Museum in Texas."
Despite Mind Your Dollars not believing the Corn Palace amounts to a hill of beans - or corn - they did acknowledge the unique structure's popularity, citing the 500,000+ who visit every year.
Incorporated in 1883, Mitchell was once a Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad community that is now the 6th most populous town in the Mount Rushmore State.
While the railroad is no longer as big as it once was, there are still plenty of opportunities to be had in Mitchell, including agriculture, education, and more.