In this day and age of uncertainty, many are being extra cautious and staying as close to home as possible. While staying safe is always smart, it can also feel incredibly isolated and lonely, which is why we here at Only in South Dakota are always looking out for fun, socially-distanced activities that the whole family can enjoy. If you, too, are looking for such events, we recommend taking a drive along the 18-mile-long Wildlife Loop State Scenic Byway in South Dakota:
Located in scenic Custer State Park, the Wildlife Loop Road is arguably the most beautiful drive in South Dakota thanks - in part - to its pristine, Black Hills landscape.
Spanning 18 miles, the area encompassing the Scenic Byway is a unique mix of wide-open spaces and lush, tree-filled hills, making for a one-of-a-kind, Only in South Dakota experience.
As the name implies, the Wildlife Loop Road is chock-full of - you guessed it! - wildlife, ranging from bison to whitetail and mule deer to elk and pronghorn.