You May Be Surprised To Learn That Many People Have Never Heard Of These 8 Iconic South Dakota Dishes
What was the first solid food your parents ever gave you? Was it a kolache? Fry bread? Chislic (to ease your gums when you were teething, of course)? The aforementioned are just a few of our most famous dishes, but would you believe that several parts of the country have never heard of nor tried these famous South Dakotan foods? Sadly, the list does not end there and also includes:

Not to be confused with galoshes (a waterproof shoe), kolache is a recipe handed down from our German ancestors that consists of homemade pastry, fruit, or sometimes even meat!

If you love beef jerky or any other kind of salty and deliciously prepared meats, you will go BONKERS for chislic, which is essentially a shish-kabob comprised of elk, venison, beef or lamb.

If non-South Dakotans have never heard of fry bread, just what do they use as the base for their Indian tacos?

I wouldn't want to live in a world without this delicacy.

What is there to "get" about the scotcheroo? It's 50% Rice Krispy, 25% peanut butter, 25% chocolate, and 100% yummy!

If a person thinks that beef burgers, stew, and jerky are delicious, they will have their minds BLOWN when they taste the lean goodness of bison.

Remember earlier when we touched on kolaches? Think of a bierock as a kolache that is stuffed with tasty beef, cabbage, and onion! (Is this another recipe our Oma used to prepare? Ja.)

Last but certainly not least is the kuchen, which is a German cake that is way less sweet than what usually passes for dessert, yet way more scrumptious. Side note: My husband's grandpa makes the BEST apple kuchen... pair it with coffee and your day will be made.
For even more South Dakota deliciousness, check out these 10 South Dakota Restaurants You’ll Never Forgive Yourself For Not Trying.
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