If there is something that we South Dakotans enjoy, it is going big or going home. Think about it: we carve world-famous monuments out of rocks, endure ridiculous blizzards, and then shortly thereafter deal with severe spring and summer weather. Speaking of which, are you prepared for tornado season, which is slated to begin in late April? While being prepared for these damaging summer storms isn’t easy, South Dakotans cannot help but think these 7 things as tornado season approaches:
1. "I'm glad tornado season is approaching, because that means it is almost summer and we can finally look forward to the thaw."
Do you remember Tornado Tuesday? If you lived in SoDak in 2003, you do, as it broke the then-record for having the most tornado touchdowns in a single day for one state. Sadly, the storms caused $13.5M in damages and - worse yet - killed two and injured 19.
6. "Will Shawn Cable interrupt every show I'm watching this summer by announcing constant tornado watches?"