This Restaurant In South Dakota Used To Be A Bank And You'll Want To Visit
By Catherine Armstrong|Published May 11, 2018
Catherine Armstrong
Writer, editor and researcher with a passion for exploring new places. Catherine loves local bookstores, independent films, and spending time with her family, including Gus the golden retriever, who is a very good boy.
The Black Hills region of South Dakota has such a rich history, and much of it has been preserved in the little towns there. Here’s a coffee shop in Custer that’s located in an old bank that was established in 1881, and you’re going to want to visit.
The 1881 Bank Coffee House is located inside the old First National Bank of Dakota Territory Bank, which was established in 1881. You'll find the coffee house at 548 Mount Rushmore Rd., Custer, South Dakota.
The owners of this charming coffee house kept almost all of the historic details in place during the conversion, and added other little touches that harken back to the late 1800s, too.
...and pick up your coffee at the "Withdrawal" window. Check out the back room, too, where you'll some of the old safety deposit boxes, with their keys still hanging from the locks. Baristas make your coffee inside the bank vault.
The baristas here will hook you up with an espresso, latte, or cappuccino, created just like you like it. The customer service here rivals that of any bank teller.